Thursday, February 11, 2010


Sometimes I think that sharing the gospel will be magical; that everyone will want to hear it, and that it will instantly change their lives. Although this is true and very common, it did not happen today. It's funny when your life is so surrounded by believers that you have to think of places to go to share the gospel.. not really funny, but sad. And this emphasizes the point that sharing the gospel should be strategic and intentional. I'm learning that this is how most of our life should be. We should be strategically learning more, intentionally investing in people's lives, and creating disciplines. God does this with us, so we should do it too!

I decided to go to Hobby Lobby to look at some paint supplies and thought it would be a great time to share. I needed some help finding something so I got a guy to help me and we started talking (great way to reel 'em in). I asked him a few questions about his life, where he was from, and all that jazz. I asked the segue question, "Where do you go to church?" He with an air of hurt and a slight bit of anger that he didn't go. He said he stopped going to church after his pastor told him he was going to hell because of something he had said to his pastor. WOAH! I can totally tell that this has impacted him greatly! Slightly shocked and saddened by his response, I asked what he thought makes people go to hell. He gave a vague answer of something like doing wrong things to people. As I began to push the conversation further, he began to walk away to put items on a shelf in another aisle. He walked away and said if I needed help with anything, to let him know. Pray for Brent...He is lost, and seems hurt by people who have professed faith in Jesus.

Well, i tried. I didn't share the gospel with him, but I tried to get the conversation moving toward eternal things. Was this good enough? Was this what God wanted me to do? Did this count? All day long I kept thinking that it didn't and that I needed to try harder. But God does not require perfection of me in my gospel sharing. To be honest I kind of suck at it... and I'm kinda awkward (I hope it gets better).

Shortly after, I was waiting at Kinkos for some papers to be printed. Two other customers standing by me were very easy going, flexible with the problems they were having, and as I sneaked a peak of their order, I saw the words evangelism, empowerment, and the name of a church. Very curious I asked them what church they were with and what kind of ministry they were in. I engaged in a very encouraging conversation with strangers that I felt connection with... believers... marked with the Holy Spirit... The woman said something that has stuck with me all day, "if there are so many saved people around, then why are more people getting saved? Why are the lost still around?" I didn't comment, but wanted to so badly. Why are all believers around staying silent?

Later while I was in line at the post office, I complimented the lady in front of me on her very cute and warm-looking shall (what a great way to start a conversation). We began talking as we waited in line and I found out she is a speech-pathologist! (funny since this is what I majored in). we began to talk about that and she seemed like lots of fun. I asked her the same segue question... she said she went to a presbyterian church. (don't know much about those ones). So I asked her what they believe and what she believes about salvation, and she said pretty much what the Bible says. She was a very sweet lady... and her son is studying to be a music minister... kinda cool

So today was a day filled with many people, many conversations, and many opportunities. How many opportunities have I been missing while being so silent? Lord forgive me... forgive me for not being burdened, for not see the urgency in sharing your truth with the lost, for not obeying. I hope some day soon people will be wondering why believers will not keep silent about the love of their Savior. I cannot keep silent about His love any longer!

1 comment:

  1. Jackie - it was super cool meeting you yesterday! You were a huge encouragement to me! I feel stalkerish, but I did check out your blog. :) Keep sharing Jesus with everyone you meet!

